Our E.S.M.E Robots

Designation: E.S.M.E

Expect – Some – Mechanical – Errors

Our E.S.M.E robots, unlike our A.R.T.I robots are not all destined to be wheeled vehicles, although some of them certainly may be. When starting to teach robotics and engineering to my children via home education conversations, it became very obvious that my children were backing away from subjects they thought were too difficult for them. This website ultimately came about because of this reaction and my road to figuring it out. Our A.R.T.I robots were the first tools to really help them understand that while something may look complicated at the beginning, it definitely does not continue to look complicated if you start breaking it down, and it looks less even complicated at the end when you have built it from scratch yourself.

So with that in mind, the Bailey Robotics E.S.M.E robots in this category, are all designed to do one thing; to break down into sections the more complicated idea of a humanoid/tracked/advanced robot seen in sci-fi (and in some cases reality now), and understand them separately, so that theoretically they could all be re-merged and the student would have a well rounded idea of the whole project and its individual systems.

To do this we have a few wildely varying categoreis (these will evolve as we progress):

Tracks/Walking/Feet – Waypoints/Navigation/Autonomy

Head and Neck
Degrees of Freedom/Articulation/Speech/Vision/Hearing

Speech Algorithms (Programming/Interacting), Control Systems

Degrees of Freedom/End Effectors/Torque/Artificial Muscles/Hydraulics/Motors/Pneumatics

Obviously our work here isn’t going to break any boundaries internationally, but it does help people of all ages to get over their fear of complex systems and the terminology associated with them. Being able to work on each system individually, and then being able to comfortably evaluate how it works, and how effective it is in any given situation, has allowed my children to explore the subject further as they grow into adults.

We hope it helps you too.